Tropica CO2 System Nano

25.490 kr.

SKU: 702 Flokkar: ,

Tropica CO2 System Nano er fullbúið koldíoxíðskerfi fyrir gróður- og fiskabúr. Koldíoxíð er mikilvægasta næringin fyrir plöntur. Án þess dafna þær ekki. Tropica CO2 System Nano inniheldur einnota, endurvinnanlegan kolefniskút, koldíoxíðsskammtara og slöngur. Fylgið leiðbeiningunum að neðan og skoðið myndskeiðið. Skoðið kolefnisþörf plantna út frá aukamyndinni. Hugsað fyrir 10-200L búr.
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Leiðbeiningamyndskeið:  Tropica CO2 System Nano - Setup Guide

How to use the product

  1. Ensure that the regulator is fully off before you begin.
  2. Mount the regulator on the CO2 cartridge.
    (As this is pressurized gas, we advise you to protect your hands with an oven glove or a towel when mounting the regulator.)
  3. Fill the diffuser chamber with water.
  4. Place the cartridge in the rack, slide the suction cups on the hose and mount the hose to the regulator and the diffuser.
  5. Mount the diffuser with the suction cups at the inner side of the tank near the bottom and place the hose in the back corner.
  6. Leave the diffuser for 24h in the tank to ensure that the ceramic disc is fully moistened.
  7. Open the regulator carefully and count the number of bubbles per minute in the diffuser chamber.
  8. Wait 5 minutes, adjust and repeat until the number of bubbles per minute is at the level you want. (We suggest using this table for recommended CO2 concentration in water.)

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Þyngd0.00 kg